Lead LASEM Staff Member – Dr. Dawson Kidgell Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a neuromodulatory technique that involves application of very low-amplitude direct currents (2 mA or less) via surface scalp electrodes. The applied current modifies the transmembrane neuronal potential and thus influences the level of brain excitability (brain-readiness for movement). Depending on…read more
1. Estimation of musculotendon parameters for scaled and subject-specific musculoskeletal models using an optimisation technique. (Modenese et al. 2016) Why I like it: Attempts to address two of the most challenging aspect of developing subject-specific musculoskeletal models which implement Hill-type muscle models: quantification of optimal fibre length and tendon slack length for each muscle in the model. Take…read more
1. “Muscle fibre length and velocity in running and walking”: How muscle fiber lengths and velocities affect muscle force generation as humans walk and run at different speeds (Arnold et al. 2013) Why I like it: Uses advanced musculoskeletal modelling techniques to quantitatively explore the effects of the fundamental phenomenological properties of muscle fibres on the mechanical demands…read more