June Publications from LASEM Staff Members
Below is a list of 10 new papers from our staff that were published in June 2017
- Awale A, Hagedorn TJ, Dufour AB, Menz HB, Casey VA, Hannan MT. Foot Function, Foot Pain, and Falls in Older Adults: The Framingham Foot Study. Gerontology. 2017;63(4):318-24.
- Devitt BM, Bell SW, Webster KE, Feller JA, Whitehead TS. Surgical treatments of cartilage defects of the knee: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Knee. 2017;24(3):508-17.
- Gillman A, Winkler R, Taylor NF. Implementing the Free Water Protocol does not Result in Aspiration Pneumonia in Carefully Selected Patients with Dysphagia: A Systematic Review. Dysphagia. 2017;32(3):345-61.
- Khor YH, Goh NSL, McDonald CF, Holland AE. Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease a mismatch between patient expectations and experiences. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2017;14(6):888-95.
- Lamont RM, Morris ME, Menz HB, McGinley JL, Brauer SG. Falls in people with Parkinson’s disease: A prospective comparison of community and home-based falls. Gait and Posture. 2017;55:62-7.
- Levinger P, Wee E, Margelis S, Menz HB, Bartlett JR, Bergman NR, et al. Pre-operative predictors of post-operative falls in people undergoing total hip and knee replacement surgery: a prospective study. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2017:1-9.
- McClelland JA, Webster KE, Ramteke AA, Feller JA. Total knee arthroplasty with computer-assisted navigation more closely replicates normal knee biomechanics than conventional surgery. Knee. 2017;24(3):651-6.
- Menz HB, Allan JJ, Bonanno DR, Landorf KB, Murley GS. Custom-made foot orthoses: An analysis of prescription characteristics from an Australian commercial orthotic laboratory. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2017;10(1).
- Menz HB, Auhl M, Munteanu SE. Preliminary evaluation of prototype footwear and insoles to improve balance and prevent falls in older people. Footwear Science. 2017;9:S27-S9.
- Menz HB, Auhl M, Tan JM, Levinger P, Roddy E, Munteanu SE. Predictors of response to prefabricated foot orthoses or rocker-sole footwear in individuals with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2017;18(1):1-9.