Professor Kay Crossley

Research Interests
Professor Kay Crossley is the Director of the La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre. Her main research focus is on the prevention and management of patellofemoral pain and early-onset osteoarthritis after sports-related injuries.
Current Projects
- Identifying strategies to reduce the risk of kneecap arthritis after serious knee ligament injury (Knee cap arthritis)
- Early osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: early identification and management (early OA and ACLR)
- Feasibility of a RCT for physiotherapy intervention in patients at high risk of early-onset knee osteoarthritis and symptomatic decline following ACLR (Physiotherapy post ACLR)
- Good life with Arthritis from Denmark: Reducing the IMPACT of osteoarthritis for Australians (GLAD)
- Hip arthroscopy versus sham surgery for patients with impingement or labral tears (HIPARTI)
- A pilot double-blind randomised controlled trial comparing two physiotherapy interventions to treat femoroacetabular impingement (PhysioFIRST)
- Rate of hip arthroscopy surgery in Victoria, Australia and Denmark (Hip Arthroscopy rates)
- Risk factors for early hip osteoarthritis: A longitudinal cohort study (Early hip OA)
- Exercise-therapy and education for knee osteoarthritis: A pilot randomised clinical trial (GLAD telerehab)
Publications (see University Staff page)