Josh Heerey, Physiotherapist and PhD candidate at LASEM discusses current trends in research and evidence based assessment of the hip with Dr Joanne Kemp References Is quality of life following hip arthroscopy in patients with chondrolabral pathology associated with impairments in hip strength or range of motion? Hip chondropathy at arthroscopy: prevalence and relationship to…read more
Patients presenting with hip and groin pain are a diagnostic challenge for the sports medicine practitioner. Correct diagnosis is difficult due to close proximity of joint, tendon, ligament and neural tissue. In addition, there is the potential for remote musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal structures to refer into the area. Two of best articles I have read…read more
1. Estimation of musculotendon parameters for scaled and subject-specific musculoskeletal models using an optimisation technique. (Modenese et al. 2016) Why I like it: Attempts to address two of the most challenging aspect of developing subject-specific musculoskeletal models which implement Hill-type muscle models: quantification of optimal fibre length and tendon slack length for each muscle in the model. Take…read more
Amy Dennett, Physiotherapist and La Trobe PhD candidate, discusses exercise rehabilitation for cancer survivors with A/Prof Mark Elkins on the @apaphysio podcast Read Amy’s great systematic review on the topic here
Foot orthoses are a common intervention used for individuals with plantar heel pain. Two broad categories of foot orthoses are customised and prefabricated. Customised foot orthoses, as the name suggests, are customised to the patient’s feet by taking an impression, cast or laser scan. The orthoses are then fabricated based on a prescription supplied by…read more
1. Review of research: The effectiveness of proprioceptive training in preventing ankle sprains in sporting populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Schiftan et al., 2016) Why we like it: someone else has done the literature search for us! Even better, they were able to conduct a meta-analysis to combine all the included article’s results (a large…read more
The patellofemoral pain research community met in July 2015 to present recent research findings and discuss the current state of the evidence. The meeting resulted in six key recommendations, based on evidence published between January 2010 and June 2015, and voting by those attending the meeting: Exercise therapy 1) Exercise is recommended to reduce…read more
1. “Muscle fibre length and velocity in running and walking”: How muscle fiber lengths and velocities affect muscle force generation as humans walk and run at different speeds (Arnold et al. 2013) Why I like it: Uses advanced musculoskeletal modelling techniques to quantitatively explore the effects of the fundamental phenomenological properties of muscle fibres on the mechanical demands…read more
Our previous blog noted the patellofemoral joint (PFJ) could be a major source of anterior knee pain following ACL reconstruction (ACLR), given the high prevalence of PFJ and tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) joint changes as early at 12 months (Culvenor et al., 2015) This month we are reviewing who may be at risk of early joint changes…read more