Before ABC journalist Joe O’Brien set off on a gruelling 25 kilometre run, he sought advice from Dr Chrstian Barton on how to prepare himself. Read The ABC news story here.
Before ABC journalist Joe O’Brien set off on a gruelling 25 kilometre run, he sought advice from Dr Chrstian Barton on how to prepare himself. Read The ABC news story here.
New research from La Trobe University suggests there is no evidence that changing a runner’s strike pattern will help prevent injuries or give them a speed boost. See The Age coverage here See related media at Runner’s World Listen to Dr Christian Barton’s interviews on ABC Radio Sydney and 3AW Breakfast.
Dr Christian Barton funding success: MRFF funds new research to evaluate effectiveness of physiotherapy care for knee osteoarthritis The GLA:D Australia team and lead researcher Dr Christian Barton are pleased to announce nearly $1.7million funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and Australia Physiotherapy Association (APA) to investigate if high value non-surgical care, including…read more
Active rather than passive treatments are the key to recovering from “Runner’s Knee”, according to new international treatment guidelines co-authored by La Trobe University physiotherapy researcher Dr Christian Barton. See full media release here
Dr. Peter Brunker, a member of LASEM, recently spoke with with Rafael Epstein on ABC’s Drive program about watching the moment unfold live on television. Peter Brukner is a former doctor with the Australian Cricket Team and Liverpool Football Club. Listen to the interview here.
Dr Peter Brukner was Cricket Australia’s chief medico when Phillip Hughes was fatally struck by a bouncer in 2014. Dr Brukner says he is amazed that even some batsmen who were on the field that day still refused to wear neck guards on their helmets. Read the full story here.
Recently, some of the LASEM team featured in these videos on Digital Health. There’s a short version (30 seconds) and a longer one (nearly 3 minutes) and they feature Dr Anthea Clarke, Dr Ebonie Rio, Dr Sean Docking, Dr Andrew Shaefer and Ketha Ledchumanasarma.
Suggested follow up links GLA:D: GLA:D: www.gladaustralia.com.au Patellofemoral pain: www.patellofemoral.trekeducation.org Exercise prescription: www.exercise.trekeducation.org Clinic + Running courses: www.completesportscare.com.au Slides
Blog by: Dr Andrew Schaefer, La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre Whether it’s during the Cricket World Cup or an Australian summer, you will more than likely hear of a fast bowler suffering from lower back injury. Fast bowlers young and old know the pain of attempting to bowl a 156g ball…read more
Hot off the press! Our 2018 Annual Report covers research highlights, impact, fellowships, awards, exciting partnerships, the work of our tireless Post Docs and PhD students, and of course words from our wonderful Director, Professor Kay Crossley. Have a look to see the great things that LASEM achieved in 2018! Annual Report Designer: Ben Pawson…read more