Suggested follow up links GLA:D: GLA:D: www.gladaustralia.com.au Patellofemoral pain: www.patellofemoral.trekeducation.org Exercise prescription: www.exercise.trekeducation.org Clinic + Running courses: www.completesportscare.com.au Slides
Suggested follow up links GLA:D: GLA:D: www.gladaustralia.com.au Patellofemoral pain: www.patellofemoral.trekeducation.org Exercise prescription: www.exercise.trekeducation.org Clinic + Running courses: www.completesportscare.com.au Slides
It was a pleasure to travel to Perth last weekend. It was a busy weekend, presenting at an evening seminar, the state conference and also on a GLA:D Australia course with my friends at Curtin University. As promised, my slides from the APA presentations are published below If you are interested in the running symposium…read more
This presentation contains pilot data as a component of a larger study. It will be submitted for peer review in due course.
This paper presented at the 2017 APA conference is currently under peer review
This systematic review presented at the 2017 APA conference is currently under peer review
This systematic review presented at the 2017 APA conference is currently under peer review
By: @Kristian Lyng and @Mathias Brandhøj After a great session on injury prevention, the #Hamstrung17 Conference went on to tackle the problem of diagnosing the injury, before explaining how to optimize rehabilitation. Read the infographic for our take home messages on managing hamstring injuries and how to optimize rehabilitation. Take home messages on managing injuries and how…read more
Did you miss the Patellofemoral Pain: Using evidence to inform practice symposium at the recent SMA conferences in Melbourne? Or do you want to revise the content? Here you go! 5 sets of slides/case studies and a video for your viewing pleasure. If you want access to full papers for the 2016 Consensus Statements and…read more